Centennial Park
Centennial Park is the green grassy hill you keeping trying to get to the other side of.
Initially you’re wowed by the smooth tarmac and the lack of stoplights but over time that 4km loop begins to get a bit routine, maybe even stale. You know it so well that you can point out every little rise or crack in the pavement.
You begin to think about trying other routes. Maybe you think there’s something better out there, a road that’s even smoother, more flowing or easier to get to. The more you ride the more you realise that the treasure you were looking for was right there in front of you.
I realise something that I've always known
I still call CP home
Tempo pace (rolling Paceline 28-32 km/h)
Parkup in Surry Hills.
Every Thursday.
6:30am sharp at the Robertson Rd Gates (Horse Gates).
Ride photo c/o Nicole K